Calendar of Events


At First United Spiritualist Church, we welcome everyone from around the world. Always a pleasure to bring the spiritual comm-UNITY together. We are proud of our events and services we offer as they are diverse. Because of this diversity, we do offer events on Zoom from time to time. Due to the fluidity of our services, please view our calendar daily for the most up-to-date information as the accuracy is within 4 hours. If you are on our Facebook Page, please do view the Events tab.

Everyone is welcome. We are looking forward to seeing you soon!

God Bless!

Many Blessings,
The Board of Directors.

Who Are We?

Spiritual Healing, Mediumship, and Messages from Spirit form the foundation of our community.

Our Principles & Beliefs

We honor the paths of others and celebrate the spiritual journeys of every individual.

Ongoing Events

Discover the regularly scheduled events at the Church, or stop by for a special event.

Event Booking

We offer rentals of the Chapel, Kitchen and Reception space for private & public events.

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